Hello friends!
I want to invite you all to play with me at EterniaGames LastChaos - EterniaGames.com.
EGLastChaos, powered by EterniaGames is an unique private server of LAST CHAOS.
If you want to join me in this great game, or you want to join one of the other games that EterniaGames.com has,
please click on the following links:
Main Site: http://eterniagames.com
Forums: http://forum.eterniagames.com
Game Site: http://lastchaos.eterniagames.com
This message was provided by "EGLastChaos" to be used in our advertising system.
We take no responsibility for the misuse of this system.
31.03.2008 um 18:35
hallöchen wollte einfach nur mal liebe grüße hier lassen bis dann mal laura ;)
Guten Tag,
wir sind das Schutzteam Ghost Delta und möchten das Sie auf unsere HP gehen.
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